Data Flow

Data flow in DÆTA ensures secure and seamless file upload and retrieval.

The DÆTA network employs a sophisticated data flow to ensure efficient, secure and reliable storage and retrieval of user data.

    participant U as User
    participant C as DÆTA Client
    participant S as Satellite
    participant N as Storage Nodes

    U->>C: Initiate upload
    C->>C: Encrypt file
    C->>C: Generate erasure codes
    C->>S: Request upload locations
    S->>S: Select optimal nodes
    S->>C: Provide node list
    C->>N: Upload file shards
    N->>S: Confirm shard storage
    S->>C: Confirm successful upload
    C->>U: Upload complete notification
    participant U as User
    participant C as DÆTA Client
    participant S as Satellite
    participant N as Storage Nodes

    U->>C: Request file download
    C->>S: Query file location
    S->>C: Provide shard locations
    C->>N: Request file shards
    N->>C: Send encrypted shards
    C->>C: Reassemble and decrypt file
    C->>U: Deliver complete file

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